監督 佐々木誠
出演 井上実直
Jicchoku Inoue, who ceased his activities as a TV entertainer to become the senior monk of the Buddhist temple run by his family in Tokyo, visited New York after 9/11.
After returning to Japan, he decided to become a Shohosshi - a monk entitled to conduct certain special rituals - and prepared to participate in the hundred-day winter training of the Nichiren Buddhist discipline.
Makoto Sasaki - the director of this movie and a friend of Jicchoku’s - heard about his decision, and began following Jicchoku with his camera.
Makoto thought he was just shooting a documentary about Jicchoku becoming a Nichiren monk. But as Jicchoku changed, the world also changed, slowly and silently.
Makoto Sasaki came to notice that the documentary he was taking was a "fragment" of the history after 9 /11, and formed a record of the period from 9/11 to the war in Iraq without Bush, Hussein, or Bin Laden.
This movie shows the history of these events through the adventure and growth of a young monk.
2006/Japan/92min/DV/Standard/Stero/ Subtitled in English
Director: Masako Sasaki
Cast: Jicchoku Inoue